Saturday, December 18, 2010


"Nothing is perfect in life."

No. I definitely do not agree with the above statement. I am a perfectionist who make sure that I excel and attain perfection and success in everything I do in life. Be it tougher or easier. Time-consuming or not. Energy-depleting or not.

Perfection. Something I've been pursuing since I was young. Since the very first day I was born to this world. I still remember there was once when my dad told me that I was such a perfectionist that I would even end up crying when I lost in a game. Haha. Ya, that's me. The girl-next-door who's totally obsessed with perfection and has a horrible intolerance towards imperfection.

Since young, I made sure that I do well in my studies. Trying my very best to reach the peak, clinching victory in each and every competition I participate in. Striving hard to be the top student in school. Never allowing defeat to even appear in my life dictionary.

So that kinda explains why I was so disheartened when I wasn't selected(refer to my older posts). The excruciating pain still lingers on somewhere in a corner of my heart. A pain that will suddenly trigger a tear or two to flow down my cheeks. But it also reminded me that a PERFECTIONIST will only move on and work harder to clinch greater heights, to perfect the little imperfections in life.

Perfection. I've been doing quite a lot of thinking these days. Perhaps I am just too free after the gruelling three weeks of SPM. I realised that even the slightest mistake that I've made previously, throughout my life journey as a seventeen-year-old, will trigger an overwhelming disappointment in me, towards myself.

For instance, the 2009 Sudoku Tournament. It suddenly struck my mind and I was utterly heartbroken when I couldn't even advance to the second round of the competition (I was runner-ups in two consecutive 2008 Sudoku Championships). The pain, it scarred my heart a little. Yes, it healed by itself as time goes by. But, the bitter memory still lingers on.

I know that I'm not a prodigy, not like Baek Seong Jo (in Playful Kiss) who could get full marks in his exams without even studying. No, sadly (or perhaps fortunately), I'm not like him. I clearly understand and experience the true meaning of "hard work pays", "no pain, no gain". Through all these years, I've been working very hard, in order to just feel the triumphant mood when I get to the top of the list. Triumph. Yes.


Personally I feel that "nothing comes easy". There's a Malay saying that goes "Yang bulat tidak datang bergolek, yang pipih tidak datang melayang". Without the bitterness of hard work, we will never taste the sweetness of success.

I've been so obsessed with perfection to a certain level that even the people I idolise are perfectionists themselves. I have a weird habit, whereby I will search for more details about someone whom I thought is good in his/her career, before I select him/her as my idol. But I'm definitely not influenced by them, thus causing me to be a perfectionist, but it's my natural character, I guess... And all of them, who are perfectionists, never fail to succeed in life.

People whom I Idolise
1. JJ Lin - a perfectionist who works and strives very hard in order to garner success and excellence in his career as a singer-songwriter.
2. Rui En - a self-proclaimed perfectionist who would go all out to bring out the soul of every character she plays in a drama and also in every song she sings, as a singer and an actress.
3. Baek Seong Jo (a character in Playful Kiss) - a perfectionist who cannot tolerate dumbness and always excels academically and also in sports (minus the cold and cocky part of him - I'm not)

So there you go. Perfection has become a part of my life. Without perfection, I'm not who I am. Naturally, perfection goes hand-in-hand with pressure. The amount of pressure a perfectionist has to undertake (if you are not a natural prodigy) is well ten times? or perhaps even a hundred times greater than those who would be contented with the simple things in life. Perfection is what I look for, what I seek for. I won't mind even if I break down and cry due to the immense stress and pressure (all thanks to perfection) or even I would have to be insanely indulged in a twenty-four-seven study/practice marathon, as long as I garner success by the end of the day.

Perfection. Yes. I definitely will not allow myself to lose out even a little. My desire to win, win, win and WIN is forever burning in my heart. I give all my best, drain all my energy and strength just to claim the victory. So that explains why I'm being so crazy, starting my A-levels Physics right after my SPM... That explains why I've been looking for more and more information about the Singapore GCE A-levels syllabus (yes, I'm going to Singapore next year)... Besides the fear of the new lifestyle overseas, my fear of losing the perfection in life is urging me to "start ahead, stay ahead" and always be one step ahead of others.

Perfection. Be it in studies or in physical activities. Without perfection, there's no life at all...

the self-proclaimed perfectionist.