Sunday, August 23, 2009

Taekwondo : The Soul Within...

Hi! It's me again! Lol... (rolls eyes)

As you readers know, I've been in this sport for about 10 years. But it's only this few weeks when i truly understand and love the soul within this tough and strenuous martial art.

All thanks to my instructor, Mr L, who didn't mind spending his precious time on us (the "seniors") explaining each and every move, the uses and the correct way of exerting maximum force when attacking.

He taught us the correct posture, the right stance, the starting point and the end-point of all the moves, moves that we'd all learnt when we were in white & yellow belt!

Initially, we felt that we were being belittled by him! (imagine letting the juniors see that even the seniors are re-learning these steps!! Will they still respect us?!) However, after the first lesson with him, I realised that what I'd learnt all this while is only 40-50% of what it really takes! All of us were very embarrased. (How do we teach the juniors when our moves are not even near perfection! Haix...) There was a split second when I felt like taking off my black belt (Yes! I passed my black belt grading!) , going back to white and re-learning all the basics all over again!!! But I managed to get hold of myself.
All my other friends are making the same errors.. So it's ok. I guess it's because my other instructors didn't have the time to correct us one by one as they had to teach the whole lot of us (from white to black), all at one go! "Humans do err", especially when you're not paying full attention and concentration on what you're doing. This was what my instructor told us. He's a wise man, I could say. Perhaps he had gone through many things in life, being more experienced, he is more matured and much wiser if compared to others. (Mind you he's not an old "ah-pek"! He's in the late 20's, i guess)

Besides that, today he also taught us to be humble and start perfecting our moves from the very beginning. He reminded us that what we'd learnt in white belt will be improvised and used throughout our whole Taekwondo life and journey. He made us understand the reason of us punching, kicking and blocking. He even explained scientificaly on which bone and internal organs of the human body will be hurt if we punch a mid-section punch, high-section punch and low-section punch!

He also told us that in life, if we're over-confident and always think that what we'd learnt is sufficient, we will not go far! A gentle reminder to all, keep low(humble), learn from others and correct your mistakes from time to time and stay open-minded when others correct you.

He truly made us understand the gist and soul of this sport. Honestly, Taekwondo really made me a more disciplined, enthusiastic, sistematic and confident person. I really love this sport!

Here I would like to encourage all readers of this blog to join me in Taekwondo! Don't think that Taekwondo is only for self-defence! It really educate you physically and mentally! You'll love this sport for sure, once you start learning it. Don't judge a book by i's cover! Come on and learn now! If you never try, you'll never know...