Friday, November 20, 2009

Kindergarten made my day!!!

Great experience in the kindergarten! Love the kids so much that now I felt a little sad as I didn't have the chance to bid them goodbye on the last day of school.

"Never mind," I told myself reluctantly, "I have to go to school to collect my Biology paper!" What made me felt like bursting into tears is that we didn't even get our result today!!!

There goes my chance to see them for the last time. They'll be in Primary One next year. This whole lot of cute, bubbly kids will be clad in the typical, navy blue school uniform, going for formal education in schools like Convent, SIGS, SK Yahya Awal and St. Joseph.

Although I've just mingled with them for three days, their jolliness and hyperactive-ness really made me felt that sometimes "ignorance is bliss". They really carved deep impression and memory in my mind besides giving me ultimate joy whenever I see their pictures or even by just recalling those cute words they'd uttered to me and their friends...

I've made farewell cards for all 13 of them, containing messages and well wishes from my mum and I. I hope that they'll remember us and treasure all the memories they had with us in the kindergarten. Wishing them all the best in all their future undertakings, especially in their new primary school.

Lots of love from my mum and I.

"May God bless them all."