Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Friends? Not really...

Sometimes friendship can't really last. Can they? Friends, whom u once thought were true friends, don't really stand by you when you're down, when you're wronged. Sometimes, perhaps friends aren't really friends. They don't really bother to look beyond your every smile, every silence. Perhaps you're really not that important to them.

Friendship can never beat kinship. You have your parents to stand by you when everyone around you seem to be forsaking the friendship that you had painstakingly tried to maintain for years. Friendship don't really stand trials of time. Do they? Who exactly are true friends? I thought I managed to figure that out three years back, but I guess I'm back to a situation whereby I have no clear idea of who my true friends are, except the few who are willing to listen (and I'm seriously grateful for that <3 p="">
I guess it is time for me to actually get out of the cocoon that I once thought was my comfort zone. Perhaps it's not the case all along. A gang remains a gang, nothing more beyond that. Now that I regret not cherishing my TRUE FRIENDS enough, forsaking them for the so-called "GANG", I really should have differentiated true friends, true sisters from just another GANG! Oh well, people get into cliques so that they don't feel left out, same goes to me, but when things really happen, they don't really bother. Do they? At this point of time, actually it is your sisters (true friends) who come to the rescue.

Betrayal is one word that I don't simply use, unless the pain is seriously too enormous to bear! Oh well, not so much like a stab in the back, but betrayal can also mean when people choose to forsake you, ignore your presence when things get rough. When things turn out this way, and you have nowhere to turn to, you should really be thankful that there's blogger! At least you can just blog about your feelings in words... At least my readers (if i even have any) can share my feelings and thoughts.

I know that I brought it upon myself. It's my own fault from the very beginning. I should have known that it will cause me great misery, I shouldn't have made that decision. But who can foresee the future? Who in the world will see this coming?? Ah well, I can blame no one but myself. Oh well, just swallow the grievances and don't let the tears fall. Put up a strong front, tell yourself everything's gonna be ok and force a smile! Perhaps it'll fade with time, and everything will be fine eventually... (Easier said than done)

I've been hardened by all the experiences, all the turbulence in friendship that I've been through since young. Having seen the dark side of a lot of things going in this world, sometimes I really take  my hat off for myself for being able to withstand the pain all by myself. For a 20 year old, those experiences are really too much to bear!
