Thursday, December 24, 2009

Patricia Cornwell

It was only recently when I came to know of a prominent and respectable crime writer - Patricia Cornwell. Pardon me for my ignorance, but for the past few years I haven't been an avid fictional book reader. Fictional books featuring dreamy-and-fairy-tale-like stories somehow failed to capture my admiration, what more sitting down and spending time reading the forever-twisting romance genre. Therefore, I had since lost touch with the "book world" as most of the books within my reach are romantically fictional...

I preferred non-fictional stories with little touches of reality, featuring brutality of life, teaching and constantly reminding us about the importance of appreciating and living our life to the fullest.

On Tuesday morning, I was flipping through the newspaper when I saw an article featuring a contemporary American crime writer, Patricia Cornwell. First of all, her photo in "Star Two" caught my attention instantly. She had that cool image that I had always admired and she's actually quite pretty, despite being three years off the golden 50.

She is well-known for her popular series of novels featuring the heroine, Dr. Kay Scarpetta, a forensic pathologist and is currently the best-selling female writer after J.K. Rowling.

Patricia Cornwell had gone through much difficulties in life, suffering emotional abuse from her father whom she said had walked out on her family on Christmas Day when she was only five. To me, she had a very strong character and is a very tough lady having gone through all these ordeals in life and yet emerged as a brilliant writer.

However, she is a homosexual, marrying a female professor not too long ago and she said that she "finally felt rooted somewhere". To me, homosexual is against most religions in this world but it is definitely not to us to have a preconceived thought and criticise homosexuals. I think I'll respect her decision as it is her life and it is up to her to choose what she really wants.

Her "unusual" sexual direction does not affect my admiration towards her works, especially the latest one entitled "The Scarpetta Factor". I'd read four pages of her story, featured in It was the very first time I really read through all four pages of a fictional story book and got really furious as it was left hanging by the end of the fourth page... I wished I had the book. I really want to finish that story. Maybe I'll try peeking at the bookstores near my house. I want to get her books. They're really nice.

Perhaps I had always adored crime and forensic-related things, that's why she really drew me into the her stories, making me want to explore and solve the crimes in it! I can't wait to continue reading her stories... When is the next time I'll be going to the bookstore???

This is the first fictional book that kept me reading on, anticipating for the crimes to be solved and analysing the situation in the story to figure out who the actual murderer was. Maybe the Scarpetta series have, what I'd mentioned earlier, little touches of brutality in life, which truly reflects the reality in the outside world. Understanding the criminals' minds sometimes do help us escape from unforeseen calamities...

Maybe I'll be forensic pathologist just like Dr Kay Scarpetta. My love and passion for forensics had since came back. There was once when I gave up the thought about forensics for lecturing in physics and additional math. But now, I think I'll choose forensics. It's more suitable for my forever-fighting-for-justice character. I have that typical intolerance for injustice and to me, abiding the law is always a must in my life! In addition, I always had that kind of cravings for more challenges and mind-boggling mazes to solve. I definitely believe that I have the confidence and capability to uptake the task of becoming a forensic scientist/pathologist in the near future. I'll work doubly hard to achieve my ambition! Way to go! Hahax!

Friday, December 4, 2009

BWF Super Series Finals in JB!!!


Hi blog reader(s)!!! Just back from the LIVE badminton matches in Stadium Bandaraya!!!

It was my very first time watching LIVE matches at the stadium, meeting all the international star players from Malaysia, Thailand, England, Denmark, Germany, China, Canada, Korea...

I managed to get a close-up look at Boonsak Ponsana!!! He's real cute! He was right beside me at the main entrance... but I didn't get to ask for his signature...Haix!

Despite the absence of top players from China such as Lin Dan and Chen Jin, all the matches were very very exciting and nail-biting and they really kept us at the edge of our seats!!!

All the clapping and cheering really lifted the mood and atmosphere in the cold, fully air-conditioned stadium!!! Strong patriotism was vividly portrayed when the crowd started cheering "Malaysia Boleh" to motivate our own national players... Loud cheers and claps echoed in the stadium when Mew Choo scored a smashing point and when Chong Wei topple Bao Chunlai in two straight matches.

Tickets - RM46 pax

Wong Mew Choo(in white) stretching to save the drop shot from Reid(Canada)

Wong Mew Choo in action...

Wong Mew Choo (in white) won 21-6, 21-13
*She played really very well today!!! Love to see the old Mew Choo again!!! For the past two years, after the China Super Series Open in 2007, she hasn't won any title till now... Really wish that she'll win this prestigious title!!! :)
Boonsak Ponsana-Thailand(in red) vs Peter Gade-Denmark
Peter Gade won..(sorry:( ... I forgot the score)
*Peter Gade wore the half-sleeved-half-sleeveless-shirt*
Zakry Latif-Mohd Faruzizuan(in red) entering the court...
Zakry Latif-Mohd Faruzizuan(in red) won!
Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong(Mas-in white) vs Xu Chen-Guo Zhen Dong(China)
(warming up...)

Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong lost...
They made many mistakes in the first and third games but Boon Heong's smash is really really of great force, super high velocity and unnerving accuracy!!! They lose out mainly on net play and speed in low balls... Haix!

Wong Pei Tty-Chin Eei Hui (Mas) vs Jenny Wallwork-Gabrielle White(England)
*Pei Tty and Eei Hui are at the near-side of the court...

Wong Pei Tty-Chin Eei Hui(far-side of the court) won in straight sets 21-17, 21-13

Datuk Lee Chong Wei(Mas-in light pink) vs Bao Chun Lai(China)

Lee Chong Wei in action...
*Malaysia supporters with the "Jalur Gemilang"*

Lee Chong Wei(in light pink) won in straight sets,
21-9, 21-11 (I'm not so sure of the score)

Peter Gade... He's soooooooooo tall!

Indonesian supporter!!
~with self-made shuttlecock-hat~
*He's supporting Indonesia's mixed doubles team...but sadly, they lost to the England team*

A Short Video Clip of
Wong Mew Choo(Mas) vs Reid(Canada)

Hope you enjoyed today's post....

Reported by hazelyi... LOLX!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Kindergarten made my day!!!

Great experience in the kindergarten! Love the kids so much that now I felt a little sad as I didn't have the chance to bid them goodbye on the last day of school.

"Never mind," I told myself reluctantly, "I have to go to school to collect my Biology paper!" What made me felt like bursting into tears is that we didn't even get our result today!!!

There goes my chance to see them for the last time. They'll be in Primary One next year. This whole lot of cute, bubbly kids will be clad in the typical, navy blue school uniform, going for formal education in schools like Convent, SIGS, SK Yahya Awal and St. Joseph.

Although I've just mingled with them for three days, their jolliness and hyperactive-ness really made me felt that sometimes "ignorance is bliss". They really carved deep impression and memory in my mind besides giving me ultimate joy whenever I see their pictures or even by just recalling those cute words they'd uttered to me and their friends...

I've made farewell cards for all 13 of them, containing messages and well wishes from my mum and I. I hope that they'll remember us and treasure all the memories they had with us in the kindergarten. Wishing them all the best in all their future undertakings, especially in their new primary school.

Lots of love from my mum and I.

"May God bless them all."

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Taekwondo : The Soul Within...

Hi! It's me again! Lol... (rolls eyes)

As you readers know, I've been in this sport for about 10 years. But it's only this few weeks when i truly understand and love the soul within this tough and strenuous martial art.

All thanks to my instructor, Mr L, who didn't mind spending his precious time on us (the "seniors") explaining each and every move, the uses and the correct way of exerting maximum force when attacking.

He taught us the correct posture, the right stance, the starting point and the end-point of all the moves, moves that we'd all learnt when we were in white & yellow belt!

Initially, we felt that we were being belittled by him! (imagine letting the juniors see that even the seniors are re-learning these steps!! Will they still respect us?!) However, after the first lesson with him, I realised that what I'd learnt all this while is only 40-50% of what it really takes! All of us were very embarrased. (How do we teach the juniors when our moves are not even near perfection! Haix...) There was a split second when I felt like taking off my black belt (Yes! I passed my black belt grading!) , going back to white and re-learning all the basics all over again!!! But I managed to get hold of myself.
All my other friends are making the same errors.. So it's ok. I guess it's because my other instructors didn't have the time to correct us one by one as they had to teach the whole lot of us (from white to black), all at one go! "Humans do err", especially when you're not paying full attention and concentration on what you're doing. This was what my instructor told us. He's a wise man, I could say. Perhaps he had gone through many things in life, being more experienced, he is more matured and much wiser if compared to others. (Mind you he's not an old "ah-pek"! He's in the late 20's, i guess)

Besides that, today he also taught us to be humble and start perfecting our moves from the very beginning. He reminded us that what we'd learnt in white belt will be improvised and used throughout our whole Taekwondo life and journey. He made us understand the reason of us punching, kicking and blocking. He even explained scientificaly on which bone and internal organs of the human body will be hurt if we punch a mid-section punch, high-section punch and low-section punch!

He also told us that in life, if we're over-confident and always think that what we'd learnt is sufficient, we will not go far! A gentle reminder to all, keep low(humble), learn from others and correct your mistakes from time to time and stay open-minded when others correct you.

He truly made us understand the gist and soul of this sport. Honestly, Taekwondo really made me a more disciplined, enthusiastic, sistematic and confident person. I really love this sport!

Here I would like to encourage all readers of this blog to join me in Taekwondo! Don't think that Taekwondo is only for self-defence! It really educate you physically and mentally! You'll love this sport for sure, once you start learning it. Don't judge a book by i's cover! Come on and learn now! If you never try, you'll never know...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Page Pet

pYzam Page Pets
FreeFlashToys Page Pets

My Page Pet

pYzam Page Pets
FreeFlashToys Page Pets

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Eagerness to another peak of my life...



It has been 10 years when i first started. I was in primary 1 then. I used to bow to all the seniors. And I'd never thought that I would be one of them. My passion for it, well i could say, is unquestionable. I loved it a lot since young. My interest in it deepened when I rejoined the team early last year.

In primary 1, i joined tae kwon do as a white belt holder. I was pretty innocent then. The main reason why i decided to learn tae kwon do is because my dad told me to do so. He said girls should learn how to defend themselves. A few of my friends were also in tae kwon do. So i assume that that's why I'm in this rather *vigorous* (not-me) sport.

My love for it developed when my instructor praised me during the lesson. I, for some reason, felt my presence in the team, no longer in the "just another member" status. That gave me some satisfaction and urged me to continue.

Primary 2 was my final year in Malacca Convent. I remembered receiving a small, glass trophyfrom my instructor, carved with a "Wen Wu Shuang Quan" phrase which simply means "Good in both academics and sports". I later came to know that the trophy was only given to students who were in Tae Kwon Do and at the same time achieved excellent results in their studies (top 3 in the entire primary 2). It was indeed a boost for me to continue striving in this sport.

After i left Malacca Convent, i continued learning tae kwon do in Convent JB before i switched to the present training centre in SJK (C) Kuo Kuang in Form 3. My instructor is a nice but strict, young lady. She's really good in tae kwon do and she's one of my role model in tae kwon do till today.

I'd been scolded by her before but it was because I'd made many errors during training and i was not paying full attention then. I understood but that didn't discourage me at all. I was even more determined to learn and improve my steps.

I left tae kwon do in primary 5 due to some personal reasons. My last training centre was in Taman Daya with Instructor V. R. He was a nice guy too. Although he was not as strict as my previous instructor, he'd taught us many invaluable skills and values.

In Form 3, there was this sudden urge that pushes me to take up tae kwon do again. Maybe it was due to my cousin brother who has been very active and aggresive in tae kwon do lately. When i first rejoined the team in SJK (C) Kuo Kuang, it was tough. Imagine a person doing extremely vigorous exercise (i joined the sparring team on my very first day) after decades of not exercising at home. I was dying then. It was too hectic for a *newcomer* like me. I gave up on sparring and went on to join the basic team. After a few lessons, i began to feel that my stamina improved tremendously and i'm more flexible (in stretching) than usual.

On the 29th of March, I went for a tae kwon do grading for Black Belt 1st Dan. Before this i'd missed several gradings because i wasn't ready according to my instructor (the Convent JB instructor). Therefore, i waited till this year when she finally allowed me to go for the grading.

Now, i'm anticipating for the result. The EAGERNESS is immense!

Oh God! Please allow me to pass this grading. After all my hard work practising everyday, please give me the merit to pass this grading...

I'm so envious of my fellow pals who had gotten their Black/Poom Belt... I want to be like them... I really do hope that the examiner would pass me. A pass would be enough... PLEASE!!!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Deepest Heartfelt Gratitude...

It was a lesson learnt. Although there's still sadness and dissatisfaction in a little corner of my heart, but i just had to let go.

I strongly believe that this bitter experience had taught me to be strong, facing the ups and downs of life (life is not a bed of roses). It taught me to be more mature, realising and understanding the darker side of life. I'd learnt to appreciate the good and refrain myself from the bad.

It had been very long since the last time i had a chance to express my feelings on my blog. Here i am, grasping this golden opportunity to thank everyone who had been supporting me...

Firstly, i would like to thank my parents who had been very supportive of me when i was facing difficulties and feeling down. They tried their very best to cheer me up.
It was difficult, i know. I just tried to smile but the vengeance in my heart just wouldn't allow me to smile. This must have made them deeply disappointed. I'm really sorry...

Besides i would also like to express my gratitude to my former form teacher and my headmistress.

My headmistress had given me ample support and encouragement that finally untied the knot in my heart.

She encouraged me to earn points through other alternatives. She also asked me to join the school's newsletter editorial board. It's indeed an honour to be selected as part of the school's newsletter editorial board. I am very glad and doubly honoured to say that i'm currently the president of the school's newsletter editorial board.


Her words of encouragement were deeply etched in my mind. Her nice, calm and consoling way of handling this matter really touched me. Her concern towards this matter really brought justice to light. Although i'm not selected as a prefect, but i'm sure that the selection of prefect in future would be fair and square.

"Tell your friends that we teachers are also human. We appear to be fierce and strict sometimes in order to keep the students disciplined and well-behaved. Apart from that, we're actually kind and friendly soul. Tell them that they can see us and seek our advice whenever they face difficulties. Don't be afraid of us."

This was what she said to me. She's a nice friend to talk to, actually.

Do not be afraid of teachers. THEY ARE HUMAN TOO.

Lastly, i would also like to thank all my friends who had also stood by me when i was terribly down.

Now i'm a better person. I'm more matured and understanding. I'd finally seen the darker side of life. I shall be more careful and cautious.

In a nutshell,


Sunday, February 15, 2009



At first everyone was supporting me...

Everyone was telling me to go ahead and fight for what i deserve...

But now...

They're asking me to let the matter rest...

I'm expected to forgive and forget...

I'm expected to swallow my grievances!!!

It's definitely easy to ask someone to swallow his/her grievances..

BUT it's very tough for me to swallow such a cruel and brutal fact...

When i definitely deserve it!!!

Have anyone even thought of how would i feel when i see someone in that uniform?

Have they thought of how would i feel when there's an announcement about IT?

My eyes became teary everytime i think about it...

My heart is bleeding everytime the word "PREFECT" is mentioned...

And yet i'm supposed to bear with it...



I'm very sure everyone who didn't see me in the uniform will ask me about the selection of prefect...


Tell them about my grievances?

Tell them how unfairly treated am i in school?

Tell them how i had to swallow the grievances?

Tell them how i hated it but i had to accept it?

I don't hate my school...

BUT i hate the CULPRIT who tarnished my reputation and my future!!!!!!!!!!

I'm really heartbroken...

It affected my mood...

It affected me so much that i can't get into my studies...

Every second IT strike my already confused and muddled mind...

Every second i feel the piercing pain in my heart...




There's no way i'm letting it rest!!!

I hate them!!! I want JUSTICE!!!



Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Co-curricular activities...

In the eyes of all my friends, i'm a typical "study-girl" who detest extra-curricular activities, especially sports.

Well, maybe i do appear passive all the while in school. I seem to be a person who reject all requests and activities that got to do with sports. But that's in Form 1 and 2... NOT in Form 3 and 4... I'm trying to be as active as i can by taking part in all my club activities.

Actually i don't really hate sports. I love it. But i'm always not as good as my other friends. Perhaps i always place education in the first place. To me, i need to excel in studies more than in sports.

Previously, i was afraid that i would flop my studies once i start paying attention on sports. I guess i'm terribly wrong.

Now i'm trying to be active again. In fact, I'm becoming more active these days... I'm currently the Form 4 AJK of the Maths and Science Club, the patrol leader of Girl Guide, the leader of "Pasukan Bebas Denggi" and the BM editor in the school editorial board. I tried my very best to attend all the meetings held. I'm trying to earn points for my house (though i'm not an athlete) but i can contribute points to my house by doing well in "sukan tara" and by attending all the house practices. Despite being given the responsibility to hold all these posts, i'm still able to juggle my school work and extra-curricular activities. So, i definitely believe that i have the ability to be good and active in both my studies and extra-curricular activities.


My favourite sport is Tae Kwon Do. Yes, i know. Many people who read this will be shocked. When i told my friends that i'm in the sport, they were like

"What?" "Huh?" "Are you sure?" "Are you kidding?"


"You don't look like one!"

Well, i know that... So please don't give me the same reaction or reply after reading this...I'm currently holding a red2 belt. I'm going for my black, if my instructor allow, most probably this year.

I'm not sure if i'm a good Tae Kwon Do member, but i do like it a lot!So now i'm trying my very best to train and improve all my moves, trying all the stunts that all my seniors can do easily(to me, as usual, is not an easy task), trying to memorise all the moves of the 8 Taeguek(s)...

I love it but it's really a "not-me" kind of sport...

But i'll try... I believe i can do it...


I'm currently addicted to badminton. It's a game that I really enjoy. I've been going out with my friends for badminton practically every week. Every session lasted for three long hours. Wow! We challenged each other in doubles matches. We jump, hit, stretch, run, smash! It's definitely a nice, interesting and exhausting game! Hahax!



At first, it was a smooth sailing journey when it started...

Everything seems to go well from the very first moment...

I was given a chance in many things...

I've changed a lot throughout the years...

I thought many would accept me...


But WHY?




My heart sank. Slowly tears began to trickle down my cheeks.

It was a huge setback. It was demoralising. It was disheartening.

It scarred my heart so deeply that i believed that it would never heal.

I was terribly confused. What have i done wrong?

One by one. The names on the list was read out. That moment was so nostalgic and unnerving. I've been through that once, 3 years ago. My heart was thumping with anticipation and at the same time worry for not being one of them.

It happened before. I didn't want this bitter history to repeat itself.

But what can i do? Once again i was left out.

Why? I just couldn't understand.

I tried to keep calm. I started thinking. I tried to smile at my other friends who's names were in the list. I just couldn't force the smile. It was so tough. Tears flooded my eyes every time i looked at them. I was terribly confused. I wanted to get out of the class as soon as possible. I didn't want to show my disappointment. I tried to put up a strong front. The more i try, the harder it becomes. I forced myself to concentrate on teacher's teachings and explanations for about an hour before school ends. I couldn't talk because once i start talking i felt like crying. I struggled with my own feelings. I told myself to be strong. STRONG!!!

When i got into the car, i couldn't endure the pain anymore. The stinging pain in my broken heart. I broke down. I burst into tears. I just couldn't believe it. My hopes were dashed in split seconds. I revealed my grievances to my mum. She immediately phoned the teachers concerned. She asked for a valid reason why i wasn't chosen when 17 of my classmates were being selected?

Did i do anything wrong? I don't think so. I don't "ponteng" any of my lesson. I make sure i abide by the school rules. I don't even dare to violate the school rules... NOT EVEN A SINGLE BIT! I don't commit crimes or delinquencies... I tried my best to do all the duties that were entrusted to me. WHY???

All my friends were surprised. They were shocked.

One of my teacher said that i was too quiet in class. I hardly spoke. I was not active enough. I didn't fit the requirements for the selection.

Is it true? I'm definitely not living in self-denial. I need to clarify this matter!!!


First: Academic

I'm the top in the form since Primary 2 (I'm currently in Form 4). I always attain straight A's in all my tests and exams. I scored 7 A's in PMR. My percentage for all my exams are well above 92% last year. I can write well in both Bahasa Melayu and English.


Second: Extra-curricular Activities

Posts in school:

a) Form 1 - Class Assistant Monitor

- QM member

b) Form 2 - Math AJK

- QM member

c) Form 3 - KH AJK

- QM member

d) Form 4 - Additional Math AJK

- Head of Pasukan Bebas Denggi Sekolah

- BM Editor of the school magazine

Club/Society: Maths and Science Club - Post: Form 4 AJK; involved in designing and decorating the club's board this year (2009)

Sports/House: St. T - Post: Normal member; but with full attendance since Form 1

Uniform body: Persatuan Pandu Puteri Malaysia - Post: Patrol leader (Hibiscus); passed the tenderfoot test in Form 2

Represented class in:

a) Spelling Bee in BM in Form 1

b) Pertandingan Pidato antara kelas-kelas tingkatan 3 - 2nd runner-up

c) Scavenger's Hunt in Form 3- Champion

Represented school in:

a) Pertandingan Sahibba peringkat daerah Johor Bahru in Form 2

b) Pertandingan Saintis Muda Sekolah Menengah Rendah peringkat daerah Johor Bahru in Form 3- Johan

c) Pertandingan Saintis Muda Sekolah Menengah Rendah peringkat negeri Johor in Form 3

Out-of-school activities:

Form 1 - MSIG Sudoku Showdown (State Level) - 2nd runner-up

Form 2 - MSIG Sudoku Showdown (National Level)

- NST Sudoku Challenge (State Level) - 1st runner-up

Form 3 - MSIG Sudoku Showdown (State Level)

- NST Sudoku Challenge (State Level)

- Perlawanan Tae Kwon Do Kelab Win Long - Poomsae Individual and Sparring


Third: Discipline and Attitude

*This is according to my former form teacher. It's definitely not my own P.O.V.

"She is not quiet in class. In fact, she spoke to me very often. She's not afraid nor hesitate to ask me questions when she doesn't understand. She is active in class, for the right reason, when necessary. She is not overly noisy nor talkative. All her homework is up to date. She paid full attention in class. She'll follow all the instructions given by her teachers."


So, it is very obvious that i fulfilled all the criterias above. Why am i left out? Why am i not being chosen to be a school prefect?


Now, my chance of either getting into matriculation or clinching a scholarship offered by the government and NGOs is getting slimmer. My path ahead is dimmed.

I have not enough points to support my academic result. I'm only taking 11 subjects for SPM. Scoring 11 1A's is definitely a common and average result today. Students nowadays are able to score more than 11 1A's. Therefore, i need a strong co-curricular back-up to allow me a higher chance to be offered scholarships. I desperately need it! Not because it is an honourable and glamourous thing to be a prefect but i really need the scholarship to further my studies after Form 5. My ambition is to be a Crime Laboratory Analyst (CLA) in Forensics. I'm working very hard towards my goal. I just need some extra back-ups.


---i just couldn't understand---

Thursday, January 1, 2009

30th December 2008...
A date...
by all Form 3 students in Malaysia.



It was a moment of anticipation. We held each other's trembling hands, drenched in cold, cold sweat that make us shiver when we stepped into the hall. Would it be a place of DEATH or would it be a place full of HOPE? We hugged each other. We prayed for all our friends. We held on to our friends. Our hearts raced furiously, making us terrified and petrified. The worst nightmare flashed through our "scare-stricken" minds. Argghh!! The feeling is pure torture to us. Every second ticked away slowly. Scary, depressing questions popped into our head one after another. We held our breath, every step we took brought us closer to our result.






I GOT 7 A'S!!!


Thanks GOD!!! Thank you so much!!!
Thanks MUM & DAD!!!
Thanks TEACHERS!!!

Here i would like to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to all my teachers in Form 1, 2 and 3.
They did their very best to help and guide us since the first day we enter our beloved school.
There's no "BORED" or "FED UP" in their teaching manual.
They tried to feed us with as much information as they can to help us obtain good results in PMR!
They help us in all ways although this does not benefit them at all.
It just give them extra WORKLOAD, extra PRESSURE, extra HEADACHE, extra STRESS, extra this, extra that...
They did all this just for the sake of US!!!
They just want to see us achieving excellence in PMR and also in our LIFE.
Their sacrifices have brought us SUCCESS!!
Thanks Teachers!!! Thank You So Much!!!

*I shan't mention their full name but i think all my schoolmates will be able to know who they are...

Bm- En. L.S.C
Eng- Pn. E.C
Math- Cik M.L
Sc- Pn. N
Sej- Pn. N. R & Pn. S
Geo- En. A
Kemahiran Hidup- Pn. K & Pn. K

Thanks Teachers!!!