Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Co-curricular activities...

In the eyes of all my friends, i'm a typical "study-girl" who detest extra-curricular activities, especially sports.

Well, maybe i do appear passive all the while in school. I seem to be a person who reject all requests and activities that got to do with sports. But that's in Form 1 and 2... NOT in Form 3 and 4... I'm trying to be as active as i can by taking part in all my club activities.

Actually i don't really hate sports. I love it. But i'm always not as good as my other friends. Perhaps i always place education in the first place. To me, i need to excel in studies more than in sports.

Previously, i was afraid that i would flop my studies once i start paying attention on sports. I guess i'm terribly wrong.

Now i'm trying to be active again. In fact, I'm becoming more active these days... I'm currently the Form 4 AJK of the Maths and Science Club, the patrol leader of Girl Guide, the leader of "Pasukan Bebas Denggi" and the BM editor in the school editorial board. I tried my very best to attend all the meetings held. I'm trying to earn points for my house (though i'm not an athlete) but i can contribute points to my house by doing well in "sukan tara" and by attending all the house practices. Despite being given the responsibility to hold all these posts, i'm still able to juggle my school work and extra-curricular activities. So, i definitely believe that i have the ability to be good and active in both my studies and extra-curricular activities.


My favourite sport is Tae Kwon Do. Yes, i know. Many people who read this will be shocked. When i told my friends that i'm in the sport, they were like

"What?" "Huh?" "Are you sure?" "Are you kidding?"


"You don't look like one!"

Well, i know that... So please don't give me the same reaction or reply after reading this...I'm currently holding a red2 belt. I'm going for my black, if my instructor allow, most probably this year.

I'm not sure if i'm a good Tae Kwon Do member, but i do like it a lot!So now i'm trying my very best to train and improve all my moves, trying all the stunts that all my seniors can do easily(to me, as usual, is not an easy task), trying to memorise all the moves of the 8 Taeguek(s)...

I love it but it's really a "not-me" kind of sport...

But i'll try... I believe i can do it...


I'm currently addicted to badminton. It's a game that I really enjoy. I've been going out with my friends for badminton practically every week. Every session lasted for three long hours. Wow! We challenged each other in doubles matches. We jump, hit, stretch, run, smash! It's definitely a nice, interesting and exhausting game! Hahax!
